Spread out your donations to "save" more in August!
2025-2026 Annual Giving Spring Campaign
With the district's recent budget cuts, your donations are more important than ever to directly help our students. Your SVEF contributions directly influence Stone Valley's ability to provide a more effective learning environment. Your donations support:
smaller class sizes
lower student-teacher ratios
additional staffing that supports the entire learning community
This allows for more individual academic intervention, and flexibility for all students. We aim to have very few fundraisers during the year, so we depend on our families' support now and during registration.
For 2025-2026 we have committed to funding 12 additional class sections, or the equivalent of 2 full-time staff salaries.
The suggested donation is $750 per student, however any amount is greatly appreciated. We would love to get 100% participation from our families. If your employer offers Corporate Matching, your
contribution could potentially be doubled. Contact
svefcorpmatching@gmail.com for information.
Your donation is tax-deductible and all funds raised through SVEF will be used at SVMS to benefit your child(ren).
- Families with multiple students: Add the first donation to your cart for one student, then add a second donation to the cart for another, and so on.
- Families with 5th graders: To make a donation in your 5th grader's name, either type your student's name in the box or choose "New Student" from the drop down menu.
Online donations are preferred. If you prefer to pay by check, please make your check out to “Stone Valley Education Fund” and mail or bring it to the Stone Valley office.
Questions? Contact Lauren Cymerys at stonevalley.edfund@srvef.org.
Thank you for your support!
The Stone Valley Education Fund is a 501(c)(3) non-profit parent volunteer organization whose mission is to maintain and enhance the quality of education at Stone Valley Middle School. TAX ID: 65-1162840